June 04, 2024

Rep. Mike Levin’s Statement on President Biden’s Executive Actions to Secure the Border

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Mike Levin released the following statement on President Biden’s slate of executive actions to secure our Southern border:

“I applaud President Biden for issuing a set of executive actions to strengthen border security while also ensuring we keep families together and crack down on those profiting from human smuggling. But make no mistake, executive actions are no substitute for Congressional action. Congress must work together to advance a bipartisan border security and immigration bill.

“Many of the changes in the President’s announcement mirror provisions that were included in the bipartisan Senate border security bill negotiated earlier this year. Today’s announcement incorporates executive actions to reduce the strain of asylum claims on our border officials and court system, and to dismantle human smuggling operations. Disappointingly, the Senate bill was derailed by former President Trump, who has convinced Republicans that they should oppose the legislation purely to score political points during an election year.

“Nobody should be playing politics with border security. It is a national security issue that deserves the collective attention of all Members of Congress on a nonpartisan basis.

“My most recent visit to our Southern border reinforced what we already know: our immigration system faces very real challenges that demand Democrats and Republicans work together in good faith to deliver solutions.

“We also need legal pathways to citizenship for immigrants who have been living and contributing to our country for a long time. We need work permits for our Dreamers, more immigration judges, and more Border Patrol agents. The only way to achieve these initiatives is through bipartisan comprehensive reform legislation.

“I’m optimistic President Biden’s new executive actions will make a meaningful difference in some of the challenges we face at the border and in California’s 49th Congressional district. However, there is much more to do, and the House must consider strong legislation such as the Dignity Act – the most comprehensive immigration reform bill in recent memory.

“Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle should dedicate themselves to immigration reform and delivering results for all Americans. I am committed to getting this done.”

Today’s announcement comes after Rep. Levin, alongside 14 of his Democratic colleagues, sent a letter in May 2024 urging President Biden to immediately take action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system.
